Friday, June 18, 2010

Front or Back seat?

So there you are, driving down the road. You've been driving for about seven hours straight, you're stiff, you're tired, and you're hungry. But everyone else in the car has had McDonalds, has been sleeping, and has been stretching. They're even asking you, "How much longer?" You're okay with it - it's your family! So, shouldn't they be as tolerant when you say... Make a wrong turn? What happens then? Then everything is messed up! Your wife and kids are squawking like a bedazzled chicken, your GPS is cussing you out, and you're eyes won't shut. Man your life sucks.

That's the path of being a leader. Of taking charge of what needs to be done, of doing it, and of completing the goal. Even if it means self sacrifice, true leaders will take one for their team. They'll take all of the hate, they'll lead the way into the salt mine, and they won't go on vacation when there's an oil spill. Bottom line; they get what needs to be done, done.

Man, your life stinks. You've been stuck sitting in the back seat for about seven hours. You're McDonalds is starting to smell, your sister stole your iPod, and your cell phone is dead. You keep asking who's driving how much longer, but all you get is an angry grunt in response. Then the driver has the nerve, the arrogance, the ineptitude to make a wrong turn! What is wrong with them? They're wasting your time! You're shouting, "Turn off your Global Positioning System, it won't shut up!" Your sister is shouting, with the air of someone waking up to cannon fire, "Are wedere yet?" And your mother is scolding that failure of a driver! Seriously, what is wrong with him, doing what needs to be done, then doing it wrong... The nerve of some people.

There's your life as a follower. You scold those in charge for doing what needs to be done, simply to give you something to do. You watch things be done, and you take no part in it. It's like someone who didn't vote (not couldn't, didn't) complaining about the Obama administration. So, as a follower, you're doing what you're told, and then complaining when it doesn't turn out to your specific needs.

So which do you choose? Do you want to be laughed at in the face of failure, or do want to stretch out in the backseat? Answer in the comments, and be truthful. Only about two people follow this anyways.

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