Sunday, July 18, 2010


Salt is something that has lasted through not only the ages, but also through our taste buds. When you make yourself some of those freezer fries, you get plenty of salt. It's a given that it will be everywhere. It is all consuming. You feel, smell, taste and see the salt all over your fries. And not only does it give you the amazing feeling of accomplishment of "Ha ha! I have something on me!", it also well.... Tastes amazing. So, basically, salt, for your brief trip down Heart Attack Avenue, is your one and everything. You just can't hide.

But... If you don't add salt to your fries.... It doesn't do anything.

If you don't add salt to your fries, it'll be nasty.

There are a lot of things you could put into that sentence to substitute 'fries' and 'salt'.

Butter, corn.

Deodorant, armpit.

Jesus, lives.

If you don't add Jesus to your life, your life will be nasty. If you don't make Jesus your salt, then you, the fries, will be nasty. So don't live your life as the people in Hell's Kitchen seem to want you to. Don't live your life without the salt. Let the salt consume you. Let Jesus consume you. Let Jesus be your everything. See his actions, hear his praise, feel his power!

Don't let your life go unseasoned. Cause that just ain't no fun.

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